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    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    Preserving Culture, Tourism Agriculture Lift

    Competition Ngluku in Sleman, Yogyakarta
    As a form to preserve the culture and pick-Agricultural Tourism

    Ngluku, this term for some of modern society may rarely heard. Especially the people who live in cities. Yes, ngluku agriculture is a term which in the Indonesian language means "hijack" or smooth the land or farm land to be planted seedlings

    Amid the housing density of urban population, of agricultural land is slowly receding. As a result ngluku activity that became a routine activity of farmers each growing season was entering the rarely seen. In contrast to rural areas. In Sleman, ngluku it would be "sold" as a tourism asset for the public interest. For that held competitions held in the hamlet ngluku Brittle, Tlogoadi village, district Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta yesterday 13 April 2011.

    There were 79 participants from 17 districts spread across the district of Sleman helped to enliven the race. Ngluku highly dependent on two things. Namely animal puller, usually use buffalo or cow and plow tool itself. Tool steel plow in the form of plates mounted at a slight angle on wooden pegs. Wooden peg that is associated with a rope and tied around the animal's body puller. No doubt, if the puller plow was not careful, could be injured foot hit by plow.

    If the equipment ngluku support, to cultivate the land area of ​​one thousand square meters is required at least four hours, including nggaru (same as ngluku use only the form of steel shaped like a comb). After hijacked, lands must be raked so smooth. That was until the land ready for planting crops or rice. Land to be planted with crops (beans or corn), then do not need much water.

    In contrast to rice, the irrigation should be smooth. There was no difference ngluku techniques for crops or farm land. Ngluku needed to flip through the soil to make the soil and humus content is not always located in the deeper part. If the remaining land should be plowed a bit, then the animals should be directed to pull forward first, and then rotated 180 degrees to return to the track of land to be plowed. Activities ngluku race this field, for the district of Sleman as the committee, in addition to promoting agricultural-based tourism, as well as to preserve the ancestral culture.

    A variety of traditional arts and cultural attractions of Java is a very valuable asset, so we need to maintain and preserve, so as not to become extinct and disappear swallowed by the development of the era. We as the younger generation successor of the nation must be able to participate to maintain and preserve traditional arts and cultural heritage that is not extinct, just disappear swallowed by the development of this modern era.

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