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    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    Yayasan Bagong Kussudiardja

    History The establishment of Yayasan Bagong Kussudiardja (YBK)

    Alm. Bagong Kussudiardja is one of the great artists and cultural experts who succeeded in developing a vision of culture. This vision aims to build the Indonesian people through the arts. Arts and cultural activities he has been manifested since the 1950s, until finally the establishment of a non-formal arts education institution founded in 1978. In 2004, he died with a high pass on the spirit of creativity and a 'hermitage art' that requires continuity in its management. Thought for the management of this art hermitage, then gave birth to Yayasan Bagong Kussudiardja (YBK).

    YBK is a nonprofit corporation that manages hermitage home of art as an open culture. This foundation was established as an organization-oriented service (service organization), through processing and developing practices in performing arts activities as a medium of learning that educational and applicable to the arts community and society.

    Houses YBK culture which has an area 5000 m² is located in a village under the hill Sempu (Mount Sempu) in the district. Bantul. Precisely, that is on the south side of South Ring Road (direction Madukismo Sugar Factory), where some traditions and contemporary artists make this a residential area that has the atmosphere and beauty of the rural atmosphere, but also not far from downtown.

    YBK cultural house is situated on the outskirts of Konteng river, has a quiet atmosphere and beautiful with the presence of gardens and large trees and high in the vicinity. Similiki Facilities include: a large studio which is also the main exhibition hall (12 m x 10.5 m), studio-shaped arena, and a studio that was built with the shape resembling pendapa. Overall multifunctional studio to perform a variety of creative activities, such as the exercises, discussions, workshops etc.). In addition, there are also studio recordings (audio), digital, music rehearsal space gamelan (gamelan), offices, toilets, and a convenient parking area. The main performance space is also shaped like pendapa (a pavilion style space) which can accommodate audiences up to 500 people, as well as lighting fixtures (lighting system). Other facilities that support the existence and functions that run as the home culture, is a guesthouse and several rooms to provide accommodation to the artists, program participants or guests who visit.

    Address: Bagong Arts Complex Padepokan Kussudiardja twins RT 04/RW 21, Kel. Tamantirto Kec. Poor, Kab. Bantul, Yogyakarta.
    tel: +62-274-414404 fax: +62-274-414404

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